Treaty 1 Territory

Winnipeg, Manitoba


For more information

Land Based Indigenous Science Camps

In your community & Campus Internships for Youth

Developing Your Land Based Indigenous Science Camp

All camps will provide a holistic overview of the priorities and issues relevant to your community with a focus on the local environment, scientific approaches, and traditional knowledge.

Contact us at (204)-474-9316 to develop your camp with us. Here’s what we need to know:


How long do you want your camp to be? We can develop camps from 1-day to 5-day.


Are you already planning a land-based youth camp? Tell us the dates and location and we will work with you to develop a curriculum appropriate for the number of days you want us to visit. We can come for a day or two

Camp Priorities

What are your learning priorities for the youth? We can focus on a number of environmental topics and issues including, but not limited to:

  • Holistic approaches to the environment and livelihoods
  • Impacts of hydropower or other energy extractive activities
  • Water quality, changes, and importance
  • Language, traditions, and scientific concepts of water and its use
  • Traditional plants and medicines
  • Fish and wildlife health and monitoring
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Language and traditions


What environmental and/or wellbeing concerns do you have? We can focus on a number of concerns you may have and guide youth through science and Indigenous knowledge to address these concerns. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Drinking water quality
  • Water contamination
  • Fish population health
  • Wildlife health
  • Human wellbeing


What activities would you like us to facilitate with you? Based on the learning priorities and environmental concerns for your community there are a number of activities we facilitate with the youth. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Setting nets and harvesting fish
  • Techniques in community-based monitoring
  • Water sampling and interpretation of findings
  • Walking tours and site visits to impacted areas
  • Interview/Questionnaire development
  • Arts-based activities to process learnings
  • Journaling, reporting, and reflection