Brokenhead Ojibway Nation, 2024

Broken Head Land-based Camp

Date: July 22-26, 2024

Youth gathered to participate in land-based learning activities in Brokenhead Manitoba! On the first day of the camp presenters, Dr. Eric Collin’s and Dr. Mostafa Feyak joined the group from the UM to share their research and do water-related activities with the youth. On day two, Sorcha, a summer student at the Environmental Conservation and Dan Henhawk came to do videography and land-based physical activity. The youth were also taken berry and medicine picking in the Belair Forest. On day three, the youth prepared and went into a sweat lodge with elder Glenda Smith who taught them how to be good scaabes (helpers) around ceremony.  On day 4 of the camp the Sundance ceremony that had taken place the week before was completed and teachings were shared about the Sundance ceremony and the scaabe teaching were put to work when the youth helped dress the tree. The day ended with a trip to Brokenhead Wetlands. On the fifth and final day of the camp, Dana and Francisco joined, along with Kianna from LWIC for some river monitoring and creative arts workshops.Â