NCN Land Guardian’s Office
Nisichawayasihk’s land management areas
Land management plans
The teams are collecting samples to run water quality tests
Setting up water quality microbiology tests
Taylor explaining the glucose solution
and reagents used in the water quality tests
Turbidity tests determine the clarity of the water
The team also took a tour of the surrounding water systems to collect more samples
and analyze the impact of hydro development on shorelines and water quality.
This picture shows shoreline erosion due to unnatural water level fluctuations.
Another photo of shoreline erosion
A traditonal historical site that is being affected by hydro development.
The waterlines on the rocks and granite indicate the level of fluctuation.
Traditional stories describe the significance of the historical site on the lands of Nisichawayasihk
The team also interviewed a local knowledge holder to discuss the changes
of the environment after hydro development and the importance of land based education.