Celebrating Indigenous Knowledge and Tradition: Highlights from the Winter Land-Based Education Youth Gathering

By Crystal Kematch, Middle Years Principal, Chief Sam Cook Mahmuwee Education Centre
In a celebration of Indigenous culture and tradition, the Chief Sam Cook Mahmuwee Education Centre recently hosted the Winter Land-Based Education Youth Gathering in partnership with the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Center. This annual event, now in its 14th year, brought together students from 13 different communities, fostering a deep connection to the land and indigenous teachings.
Throughout the gathering, students engaged in a myriad of activities both indoors and outdoors. From traditional teachings on medicine and cultural practices to hands-on experiences like ice net fishing, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing, the event provided a holistic learning experience beyond the confines of the traditional classroom.
Crystal Kematch, the Middle Years Principal, emphasized the importance of such gatherings for Indigenous youth. She highlighted how these experiences instill a sense of identity and belonging, connecting students to their cultural heritage and equipping them with valuable life skills rooted in traditional knowledge.
One of the key aspects of the gathering was the involvement of knowledge keepers and elders who shared their wisdom and teachings with the younger generation. This passing down of knowledge ensures the preservation and revitalization of Indigenous culture for future generations.
Behind the scenes, a tremendous amount of effort and dedication went into organizing the event. Planning began months in advance, with funding from various sources including the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Center and local community programs. Kematch expressed gratitude to all those involved, including the staff whose tireless dedication made the gathering possible.
Looking to the future, Kematch expressed hope that the memories and teachings from the gathering would stay with the students, inspiring them to become positive role models and continue learning about their traditional ways of life.
As the gathering came to a close, Kematch extended her heartfelt thanks to all the participants and wished them well on their continued journey of learning and cultural exploration.
The Winter Land-Based Education Youth Gathering serves as a beacon of hope, reaffirming the importance of preserving Indigenous knowledge and fostering a deep connection to the land for generations to come.

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